Tuesday 3 February 2015

Ageing Beautiful

Iris Apfel 93, Kate Spade

There has been a recent influx of beautiful older women being used in Fashion campaigns and I for one think it's amazing! I am a firm believer that age does not mean you have to leave style and fashion behind! 
My Great Nan, or Grams as I called her is a perfect example! She was incredible and I was lucky to know her for as long as I did! (I was 14 when she passed) now she was one stylish lady! Even in her 80's she never wore flat shoes out of the house, she always wore dainty court shoes with at least a 2 inch heel. She also never went out without her Burberry Mac! Yes my Grams had a beautiful and if I had realised it at the time, Traditional Burberry trench! 
So when I saw all these ad's popping up all I could think about was my amazing and stylish Grams who proved that no matter how old you can still be stylish. We should also remember that these ladies have lived through some of the most iconic fashion eras to date! I never tire of having a chat with someone who remembers what it felt like to walk into Biba, or make do and mend using ration coupons for fabric! Just incredible.

Unknown, Dolce & Gabbana

Joni Mitchell, Yves Saint Laurent 

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