Tuesday 23 June 2015

Super skinny, super dangerous?

So today's big story is are out skinny jeans damaging us physically? A recent lady had a case of Compartment syndrome causin her calves to balloon in size and her feet to swell, meaning doctors had to cut off her skinny jeans. Now this just sounds like another one of those 'fashion' horror stories to me! It's like the old high heel debate, are we crippling ourselves or giving ourselves toned calves and better posture? Surely a normal person would pop on their skinnies and feel comfortable, why were something too tight? I know from experience I get a pinch round the zipper when I've over indulged but surely of the actual body of the jeans was to tight you wouldn't wear them? This is the first case I have seen of this (there may be more!) so I'm going to take this one with a pinch of salt I think! It's not putting me off wearing my skinnies just yet! 

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