Thursday 4 June 2015

Another carb free day!

Well today I am going for day 2 of no carbs! I completed on Monday and to my surprise lost 3lbs just from not having carbs with my meals or as snacks! (I snacked on cheese and fruit!) not the lowest fat foods as that wasn't the aim it was just to see if I could stop the carbs! 

So as I did so well I am going for round two today! I didn't take a pic of breakfast but I had one egg omelet with two mushrooms and a sneaky slice of bacon cooked in the microwave so it's literally a crisp! (I am primarily a veggie however my one weakness is bacon like so many and do allow an indulge now and again!) 

So I haven't 'planned/prepped' my meals like I did on Monday so I'm hoping this doesn't throw me off! But in my mind at the moment I am thinking courgette spaghetti with chilli pesto for lunch and I have a pre prepared veggie chilli mix in the freezer for dinner! This may change! But let's see how it goes! 

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